Friday, 20 June 2014

Strategies to combat cellulite

The most important is a well-recognized enemy. Then it will be easier to defeat him. So specify the severity of your cellulite and start working immediately. The first stage of cellulite The body apparently is smooth. But when you squeeze your fingers folds of the skin, can be seen in the inequality. If the orange peel starts to appear, it is easy to handle with it. Take care just about, to stimulate circulation in the blood vessels. Thanks to accelerate the metabolism in cells acids.  cellulitis

Diet Limit the amount of salt. She retains water in the body, promotes puffiness. Drink as much as possible for a non-carbonated mineral water. Movement You can choose the kind of physical activity that you like best. It is important to exercise regularly. Then you strengthen your muscles and burning fat'll wake. Massage Several times a week during bath or shower massage your body a rough mitt or sponge. You can combine this treatment with peeling.

Treatments in the office The ideal will be the ones that truly refine your body. These include treatments with algae such as Guam, about 80 zł. 6 is a series. The second stage of cellulite Inequalities skin becomes increasingly difficult to hide. You can see it especially on the thighs. Now you need to spend a little more time to flesh became again smooth. Focus on cleansing the body of toxins , dotlenienieniu cells and faster fat burning.

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